Selasa, 07 Desember 2010


28 Oktober 2010


Writing is a process of thinking to invent a new topic together with its supporting sentence

Tenses is a form of verb which indicates time to show the acting

Time : Past – Present – Future

Tenses :


Verb :

1. ch, sh, o, ss, x è +es (for 3rd person singular)

Ex : watch=watches,

2. ended by “y” with vocal a,I,u,e,o è +s

Ex : Play = plays

3. ended with “y” and followed by consonan +es and “y” become “I”

Ex : study = studies

Paragraph is a piece of writing which contains several sentence paragraph can be divided inro 3, they are :

1. The beginning / awal = Topic Sentence (TS)

2. The Middle / Pertengahan/isi = Supporting Sentence (SS) (isinya hal – hal yang mendukung TS)

3. Ending / Akhir/Penutup = Concluding sentence (CS)


part of writing

narrative, deskriptive, expository, argument



Punctuation is symbol that indicate the structure or organization in writing language as well as the intonation and pauses to be observed when reading a loud.

Ex :

Woman, without her man, is nothing

Woman : without her, man is nothing.

Most common parts of punctuation

1. Full stop / period (.)

2. The comma (,)

3. Interjection/exclamation mark(!)

4. Question / interrogative mark (?)

5. The colon(:)

6. Semi colon(;)

7. The slash (/)

8. The bracket( [ ] )

9. The parenthesis ( ( ) )

10. The quotation ( “ ” )

11. The dash(-)

12. The hyphen(--)

13. The ellipsis (…)

14. Apostrophe (‘)

Capital letter is used :

1. At the beginning / start of sentence

2. For name of city, person, countries

3. For the first and all of sentence in writing title (except for preposition)

4. For the name of days, month, planets, stars, person’s title

5. For pronoun of “I”

1. Full stop / periode (.)

it is used

· At the end of sentence

· At the end of indirect speech

Ex : my father said it was cold.

· It is also used in abbreviation (singkatan)

2. THE COMMA (,)

It is the shortest pauses between words. It is used :

· to separate three or more words of the same grammatical class (noun, verbs, adverbs, adjective)

ex : I buy paper, pencil, and ink

he spoke clearly, briefly, and loudly

· it is used in apposition (ket. Tambahan)

ex : Ben, the student of AMC is clever

· to avoid the repetition of a verb

ex : John is a lawyer and Alice, a doctor

· to separate a subordinate clause that comes before the main clause

ex : when the bell rings (sub), we shall go to the class (main)

· it is used indirect speech

ex : “I’m going to the cinema”, he said.

She said, “It’s cold”.

· It is used in salutation and closing the letter

Ex: Dear Sir,

Sincerely yours,

· Comma after the word “please” for asking something

Ex : Send me a mail, please (request)

Please close the door! Command

· In Question tag

Ex : She reads a novel, doesn’t she?


· at the end of a commands

ex : clean the room now!

· in the end of statement which describe the seriousness, disbelieve, amazement


· Used at the end of a question sentence.

Ex : what is your name?

Do you speak Italian?

· At the end of question tag

· At the end of request sentence

Ex : Open the door, please?


· it is used in conversation

· used at the end of a complete statement which is followed by series explanation

ex : I like playing sports : basketball, tennis.

· used to introduce quotation

ex : Francis Bacon said :”Knowledge is power”


· used to join sentence without having to used a conjunction (and, but, or) where the sentence linked

ex : It’s late now ; I haven’t got my dinner

7. THE SLASH (/)

· Used to indicated choice as “ or and per “ between the words it separates

Ex : boy/girl means “or”

100 km/hour means “per”

· Used to avoid gender problems with pronouns which are used by some writers

Ex : he/she, his/her

· Used in making the number of letter and address

Ex : No. 1/PK/2005

Kembang Jati III/10

· Used for a word wide web address which isn’t use space in using it

Ex :

## we do not to confuse the slash with it’s backward cousin \, use path separator in windows

Ex : C:\Program Files\Adobe


· used in direct speech

ex : he said, “I don’t want to live anymore”

9. THE DASH(-) tanda hubung/ tanda sambung

· used to combine words or suffix which is separated by the change of line

ex : ……………………………………………… -


· used to combine letter (huruf) from word which is spelled

ex : J-O-K-O

· used to combine the parts of date in writing

ex : 15 – 06 – 90

10. THE HYPHEN(--) (tanda pisah)

· it is to join two or more words together (to avoid confusion/ambiguity)

ex : E – Mail, X – Ray

· usually used for the prefix (co - , non - , ex - )

ex : Ex – boyfriend, non – alignment, co – production.


· for the sentences which there are some parts are omitted :

ex : … ……… …

· if the omission comes after the end of a sentence, the ellipsis will be placed after the period, making a total of four dots

ex : I’ve just come from….

25 / 11 / 2010



· it is used to show possession and ownership

ex ; Dion’s book

· it is used to indicated contraction

ex : he is = he’s

· plural nouns that do not end is “s” is also using the apostrophe

ex : The children’s room

The women’s club

· common nouns that end in “s”(Show plural) just simply add the apostrophe after the “s”

ex : The teachers’ book

· common nouns that end in “s” (Show possessive), we can add ‘s or simply add ‘

ex : Mr. Jones’s shop = Mr. Jones’ shop


· it is used to refer an additional information in a sentence which is inside the parenthesis

ex : These both similarities process ( the difference is discussed in chapter 11[page 20 – 25]) are needed to be found


· it is used to refer an additional information or explanation

ex : Mr. Herman (the lecturer of AMC) is kind


Writing is an arts is ideally an expression of communication personal or ………… (sarana singkat) to convey ideal and feelings to others, now, and in the future

Types of letter

1. Personal letter

2. Business letter

3. Invitation letter

4. Application letter

5. Complain letter

6. Etc

parts of letter

1. Heading

2. Salutation (greetings)

3. Body of the letter

4. Subscription or leaving taking

5. Signature

6. Superscription on the envelope (addressing the envelope)

1. The headings

- Usually consist of 3 elements

· The writers address

· The city or town of write

· The date

- The purpose of the heading is to inform the reader where the letter was written and when

all figure dates are interpreted differently in British and American English

American MM-DD-YYY

British DD-MM-YYY

Format date

18 October 03

18th October 2003

October 18, 2003

12 – 10 – 2003



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